Monday, September 30, 2019

El Presidente Essay

El Presidente was a film which portrays the happenings from the past when colonization of other country started while Emilio Aguinaldo was the president.  After watching the film, though we watched it bit by bit because of limited time, I can say it was still worth it, because it at least showed to us the events in the past with the creativity of the people behind it. The film was good. I enjoyed watching it, though in some parts of it were kind of confusing to me maybe because I don’t have enough knowledge of history. There are parts when Andres Bonifacio had been a traitor and had been punished to death because of him being a traitor, this confused me. Way back years ago, when I was in elementary and high school years, I can still remember that A. Bonifacio was one of the people I salute in the Philippine History, for being the Father of Katipunan and founder of it. But when I saw that film, I’m confused with what to think of him because of what he acted when someone kind of insult him for not having a higher level of education. He loses his patience and that led to his betrayal to the katipunan. I think if I was in his position, I wouldn’t do what he did, I would prove them wrong about what they think an uneducated or someone who has lower level of learning unworthy to lead, with that he should have proved himself worthy in stead of being eaten by his anger. Also, there’s another thing of the film which I’m confused, its Emilio Aguinaldo. It seemed like E. Aguinaldo was a type of person who do not have any flaws in the film. Overall the film was worth watching. It gave me goose bumps in some part of it because of its intensity, and that hurt feeling seeing how our ancestors fight for our freedom that we’re having now because of their bravery even though they had risked their lives for it.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Why Vaccination Should Be Mandatory

Many parents are afraid to give their children vaccinations for multiple reasons. However, immunizations should become mandatory in order to prolong the existence of the human race and avoid the potential death of millions. The image I used represents the fear of vaccinations by many parents. The image not only shows the child screaming in pain from the vaccination, but also the mother seems to be in pain as well. The mother’s pain is represented by the scar on her forehead and the expression of agony on her face.The doctor is portrayed as being unconcerned about the pain that her patient is in. The creator of the image attempts to scare the general public into believing that doctors purposely inject harmful substances into their patients and do not care about the consequences of their actions. Before stating why people should have mandatory vaccinations the arguments against it must be presented. Many argue that a child’s immune system can protect them from the majorit y of infections and viruses that children take immunizations for.Others argue that vaccinated children have more health problems than unvaccinated children. Some say that vaccinations do not work at all. In order to get rid of parents’ fear of vaccinations they must be presented with all of the positives that vaccines provide. Viruses such as Cholera, the Flu and measles are some of many common viruses that can spread throughout a population quickly. It is estimated that â€Å"every 30 to 40 years an aggressive flu virus emerges, one that has changed just enough that people's natural defenses are caught completely unprepared†(Edwards, http://health. owstuffworks. com/human-body/systems/immune/herd-immunity1. htm. ). To avoid instances like this, people should be obligated to be given immunizations. In a survey concerning whether or not immunizations should be mandatory, 69% of people who took the survey agreed that immunization should be mandatory. The majority of the 69% of survey takers believed that an individual should not have the ability to risk the health of the public by not receiving a vaccine shot(http://www. debate. org/opinions/should-immunization-of-children-be-mandated-by-law).Vaccines have the ability to destroy and prevent many illnesses. For example, vaccination has eradicated polio and smallpox. A study by the Pediatric Academic Society showed that â€Å"childhood vaccinations in the US prevent about 10. 5 million cases of infectious illness and 33,000 deaths per year†( http://vaccines. procon. org/#background). However, there are people who refuse to receive vaccinations. Some individuals don’t receive vaccinations because they believe they will get sick by the vaccine or believe they are healthy enough to naturally resist most diseases.Even though people are entitled to receive or not receive vaccinations, not being vaccinated can have serious consequences. An example of the necessity for vaccines happened betwee n January 1, 2008 and April, 25 2008. There were 64 reported cases of measles and besides 1 of the infected persons, the rest were unvaccinated(Vaccine Refusal, Mandatory Immunization, and the Risks of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, p1981-1988). Many parents would also argue that vaccinations can cause autism in their children.However, a study by researchers at the CDC and Johns Hopkins University proved the hypothesis that â€Å"thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative in vaccines, causes autism† was a false claim(Music, p161-167). Childhood vaccines have been proven to be 90-99% effective in stopping diseases according to the American Academy of Pediatrics(Mah, p1850-1857). Most people would also argue that since the majority of people are vaccinated, the chance of contracting many diseases is low. However, in order to increase the public’s chances of not getting diseases, â€Å"communities must maintain a herd immunity†(Edwards, http://health. owstuffworks. co m/human-body/systems/immune/herd-immunity1. htm. ). Herd immunity is when a sufficient amount of people have been vaccinated to protect those who have not been vaccinated. For example, if 85% of a population is immune to polio, then herd immunity is reached(Edwards, http://health. howstuffworks. com/human-body/systems/immune/herd-immunity1. htm). Society also has to be aware that diseases that are seemingly no longer existent can reappear if people are not vaccinated as well. Vaccines also have economic benefits.The CDC found that â€Å"every $1 spent on vaccination saves the public $6. 30 in medical costs†(Omer, p8). After the emergence of the chicken pox vaccination hospital bills related to chicken pox dropped from $160 million in 1993 to $66 million in 2001(Edwards, http://health. howstuffworks. com/human-body/systems/immune/herd-immunity1. htm). It has also been proven that a lack of immunization in a population can slow the development of a country. In conclusion, immun izations should become mandatory for all citizens. Viruses and diseases have the ability to move from one person to another Why Vaccination Should Be Mandatory Many parents are afraid to give their children vaccinations for multiple reasons. However, immunizations should become mandatory in order to prolong the existence of the human race and avoid the potential death of millions. The image I used represents the fear of vaccinations by many parents. The image not only shows the child screaming in pain from the vaccination, but also the mother seems to be in pain as well. The mother’s pain is represented by the scar on her forehead and the expression of agony on her face.The doctor is portrayed as being unconcerned about the pain that her patient is in. The creator of the image attempts to scare the general public into believing that doctors purposely inject harmful substances into their patients and do not care about the consequences of their actions. Before stating why people should have mandatory vaccinations the arguments against it must be presented. Many argue that a child’s immune system can protect them from the majorit y of infections and viruses that children take immunizations for.Others argue that vaccinated children have more health problems than unvaccinated children. Some say that vaccinations do not work at all. In order to get rid of parents’ fear of vaccinations they must be presented with all of the positives that vaccines provide. Viruses such as Cholera, the Flu and measles are some of many common viruses that can spread throughout a population quickly. It is estimated that â€Å"every 30 to 40 years an aggressive flu virus emerges, one that has changed just enough that people's natural defenses are caught completely unprepared†(Edwards, http://health. owstuffworks. com/human-body/systems/immune/herd-immunity1. htm. ). To avoid instances like this, people should be obligated to be given immunizations. In a survey concerning whether or not immunizations should be mandatory, 69% of people who took the survey agreed that immunization should be mandatory. The majority of the 69% of survey takers believed that an individual should not have the ability to risk the health of the public by not receiving a vaccine shot(http://www. debate. org/opinions/should-immunization-of-children-be-mandated-by-law).Vaccines have the ability to destroy and prevent many illnesses. For example, vaccination has eradicated polio and smallpox. A study by the Pediatric Academic Society showed that â€Å"childhood vaccinations in the US prevent about 10. 5 million cases of infectious illness and 33,000 deaths per year†( http://vaccines. procon. org/#background). However, there are people who refuse to receive vaccinations. Some individuals don’t receive vaccinations because they believe they will get sick by the vaccine or believe they are healthy enough to naturally resist most diseases.Even though people are entitled to receive or not receive vaccinations, not being vaccinated can have serious consequences. An example of the necessity for vaccines happened betwee n January 1, 2008 and April, 25 2008. There were 64 reported cases of measles and besides 1 of the infected persons, the rest were unvaccinated(Vaccine Refusal, Mandatory Immunization, and the Risks of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, p1981-1988). Many parents would also argue that vaccinations can cause autism in their children.However, a study by researchers at the CDC and Johns Hopkins University proved the hypothesis that â€Å"thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative in vaccines, causes autism† was a false claim(Music, p161-167). Childhood vaccines have been proven to be 90-99% effective in stopping diseases according to the American Academy of Pediatrics(Mah, p1850-1857). Most people would also argue that since the majority of people are vaccinated, the chance of contracting many diseases is low. However, in order to increase the public’s chances of not getting diseases, â€Å"communities must maintain a herd immunity†(Edwards, http://health. owstuffworks. co m/human-body/systems/immune/herd-immunity1. htm. ). Herd immunity is when a sufficient amount of people have been vaccinated to protect those who have not been vaccinated. For example, if 85% of a population is immune to polio, then herd immunity is reached(Edwards, http://health. howstuffworks. com/human-body/systems/immune/herd-immunity1. htm). Society also has to be aware that diseases that are seemingly no longer existent can reappear if people are not vaccinated as well. Vaccines also have economic benefits.The CDC found that â€Å"every $1 spent on vaccination saves the public $6. 30 in medical costs†(Omer, p8). After the emergence of the chicken pox vaccination hospital bills related to chicken pox dropped from $160 million in 1993 to $66 million in 2001(Edwards, http://health. howstuffworks. com/human-body/systems/immune/herd-immunity1. htm). It has also been proven that a lack of immunization in a population can slow the development of a country. In conclusion, immun izations should become mandatory for all citizens. Viruses and diseases have the ability to move from one person to another

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Aplikasi Endnote

Contoh Aplikasi Software EndNotes Researches on value relevance of accounting information in Indonesia an d other developing countries generally suggested that accounting numbers are relevant to measure firm value (1, one author of journal). However, value relevance of accounting information in Asian countries are also found to fluctuate over time as a result of financial crisis, negative earnings, accounting scandals and violation of regulations in the capital market. These events have negatively affected value relevance of accounting information.Researches on value relevance of accounting information have continued to develop following such changes (2, three authors of journal) investigate the value relevance of book value and earnings between two different financial reporting regimes i. e. during MASB and FRS period in Malaysia. The result of the study suggests that book values are value relevant under both regimes but earnings are value relevant only during the MASB time period. That means that the change in financial reporting regime also affects significantly the value relevance of book value and but not earnings.Another study which investigates the value relevance between aggregated and disaggregated book value and earnings among Malaysian high-tech firms is performed by (3, three authors = 2). The result of the study shows that the explanatory power of both book value and earnings are fluctuating, book value is in a decreasing trend, while earnings show an increasing trend. In addition, the result also suggests that disaggregated book value and earnings could explain the variation in market value better than aggregated book value and earnings.The relationship between earnings management and value relevance of accounting information can also be explained through earnings quality. (4, two authors of book) argue that earnings management is associated to earnings quality. (5, single author of journal) also states that highly managed earnings have low qualit y. It means that earnings management actions will reduce earnings quality i. e. reliability of earnings. The relevance of accounting information in valuation of a firm can be affected by market’s insight of the reliability of the information (6, four authors of book series).This means earnings management actions negatively affect value relevance of earnings. Most of the studies on the relationship between earnings management and value relevance of accounting information are conducted in the West or developed countries. These studies attempted to examine earnings management using discretionary accruals (7, three authors of journal; 8, two author of journals; 9, single author of journal). Governance system plays an important role in the financial reporting process.As suggested by prior researches, rules and regulations formulated to protect investors are key institutional factors affecting the corporate policy choices (10, three authors of conference proceding; 11, two authors of journal). The researchers find that the protection level performed by institutions are associated with the usefulness of accrual-based accounting information. The level of protection imposed by the capital market supervisory agency plays a role in reducing the level of manipulation that can be conducted by managers and controlling shareholders through accruals transactions. Several international studies provide evidence on the association between earnings quality and the degree of protection to investors from the expropriation by controlling shareholders and managers. These studies assert that the characteristics of earnings are affected by the degree of investors’ protection (12, same aurhor with no 11 and 2). As an emerging capital market, many of the listed companies in Indonesia have evolved from the traditional family owned enterprises with highly concentrated ownership structure (13, single author of thesis).In the context where firms have a controlling block of shar es held by the major shareholders, the key agency problem is between the controlling (majority) and minority shareholders. The condition gives great opportunities for managers to engage in real earnings management especially in Indonesia. Under the condition of a highly concentrated ownership structure, it is argued that the controlling shareholders effectively possess greater control rights than the control rights provided through their voting shares as they are also involved in the management decisions (13, three authors of electronic article).Concentrated share ownership thus creates opportunities for controlling shareholders to expropriate the resources of an entity. Expropriation is a process of using one's control rights to maximize their welfare through the distribution of wealth from others to him (14, four authors of book series). Expropriation is one of the earnings management tactics conducted by management for the benefit of the controlling shareholders. Furthermore, (15 , same authors with no 14) state that the monitoring function will be hard if managers are part of the majority shareholders when their ownership increases to a certain level.If one’s voting shares have reached a certain threshold, then he/she can have a full control and tend to steer the company to accomplish his/her personal objectives (16, two authors of journal). In addition, it is also argued that to engage in expropriation in countries that adheres to the civil law is easier as compared to countries which practise common law legal system (17, three authors of journal; 18, two authors of journal).Under the Common Law system, accounting standards and policies are more stringent and protection of the rights of shareholders and creditors is greater with the implementation of various contract system (19, three authors of book series). It is perceived that a country like Indonesia which has its legal tradition originated from the civil law has relatively weaker development in its capital market and various financial institutions as compared to those countries which have legal environment rooted from the Common Law system.The evidence is consistent with study conducted by (20, same authors with no 19). On the contrary, The German’s companies with principle-based accounting standards would prefer to perform accrual earnings management because lenient standards still allow the conduct of accrual earnings management whichis less costly. The findings are in line with (21, same authors with no 17) which found that accounting standards which are more stringent (tighter) is able to reduce the practice of accrual earnings management, but triger real earnings management.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Production for Live Events and Television University of the Arts Dissertation

Production for Live Events and Television University of the Arts London - Dissertation Example The researcher affirm that sponsorship, as a marketing niche, increases the company’s visibility in television shows, thus, supports scaling up its products prominence in the marketplace or among consumers. It also affirms that indeed sponsorship is a strategic method of competitive leveraging in marketing a company’s product. While other empirical research affirm sponsorship’s contribution in resource generation for a specific television program and adds to the economic stability of a television company but this largely differ in countries and in the strategies adopted by both sponsoring companies and by the TV companies promoting a trade, brand or product. The survey affirmed, as showed in Q1 result, that majority of the respondents are aware of the sponsorship program within the British television industry and only an insignificant number are not. But notwithstanding this professed awareness, only 50% of these respondents pay attention to the commercials or pr oducts indorsed by the companies that are availing sponsorship as a strategy to leverage with other competitors in the market.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Case Study - Essay Example Therefore to cope up with this problem, the company decided to expands its market by distributing beer in clubs, bars, restaurants and cafes. There has been a growing trend of health awareness and Aitkin’s diet, people of Australia are becoming more conscious about the diet particularly related to food and beverages. Moreover, people are following different kind of diet plans not to reduce the weight but to maintain a good healthy body and their fitness in terms of physical appearance and personality. From the year 2000, people have started focusing on low carbohydrate products so businesses in the industry have started focusing towards low carbohydrate products. With this changing environment of market and changing of taste and preferences of consumer, The Fosters group has analyzed that this should also be considered in the today’s beer market because a large number of people drinks beer regularly. However, some are diet conscious and are always thinking about the dis advantages of drinking beer particularly because of high carbohydrates. This concept was first identified and capitalized in 1960’s when Cooper launched a diet beer in the market. Bond Brewery then launched Swan Gold in 1980’s. However, both these products were struggling with their diet beers in the market and were losing their market share. Finally both these brand stopped selling the products in 1990’s because of the continuous decline in the sales. The Foster group has already identified that the image of their premium beer in the mind of their consumers and customers from a long period. So with this advantage of brand equity, the Fosters has conducted research to identify the wants and desires of that particular segment who wants the low carbohydrate beer

Discussion Board 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board 5 - Essay Example So I view technology mainly as the reason that a gap between knowledge and technology exists. After all, I have yet to see a 21st century kid who does not think Google holds the answers to the mysteries of the world and then some. Or an adult who does not have a tablet PC or a cellular phone that does not have the ability to download news and information at the swipe of a fingertip. Anybody who happens to be aged 70 and above these and is not computer literate will be out of luck in trying to gain more advance information and knowledge about things of particular interest to them. Indeed, I see this gap existing in my community everyday. With the younger generation impatiently trying to teach their grandparents about computers and how to access the web so they can get access to valuable information relating to their personal or medical care. It saddens me to see this gap constantly widening because technology has far outpaced the spread of knowledge already and has mistakenly allowed people to think that the two are actually growing at a simultaneous

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Transracial Adoption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Transracial Adoption - Essay Example (Fogg-Davis, 2002) Adoption has basically been seen as another way of making sure that the children who are placed at nurturing homes will have a home for themselves. A census was taken for the amount of children who are homeless, came out to be 900,000 by the beginning of 2000. There are quite many reasons for such a situation to occur. The main and most essential reason is poverty. Secondly, the mothers and fathers of the African-American children have no manners of how to keep their children. The particular styles of the African-American were a subject of debate. The African-American and White-American were compared and the particular styles of the African-American were personalized as harsh, stiff and in a few cases very corrupt. The children of African-American stay at a nurturing home for a longer period as compared to White-American children. The White-American children are allowed to have visitors; on the other hand, African-American children are not allowed to have any visitors. Due to having a decrease, in African-American adoptive families and less White-American children provided for adoption, some African-American children have been sent with White-American parents. Separate races being placed together is a process called, "transracial adoption". ... e majority of babies are adopted from North America, Asia, South America and Oceania, while the majority of children over 5 years of age are coming from Africa, Oceania and South America. (Conceive Magazine, 2005). The problem of discussion whether White-American parents should adopt African-American children has been going on for long. In 1972, the National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW) was much worried about the Black/ African American children who were being placed with the white race of mankind. NABSW has stated that "Black children should be placed with only Black families whether in foster care or for adoption. Black children belong physically and psychologically and culturally in Black families in order that they receive the total sense of themselves and develop a sound projection of their future." (NABSW) After the sayings of NABSW, there was an argument which lasted for nearly two decades. Criticism of transracial adoption is not bound only on NABSW, but also the Third World countries. Americans have adopted many children from Third World countries. These statements have made the researchers to find the validity time of the claims. Legislation has been introduced into dispute in the form of the Metzenbaum Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) of 1994. MEPA along with 1996 provisions for Removal of Barriers to Interethnic Adoption (IEP) were made to decrease the practice of matching the races in adoption of children. MEPA-IEPA were arranged to decrease the amount of time children wait for adoption placement, to improve and help in problems and keep successful nurture and parents, and to remove degrading according to race, color, or national origin. In 1987 National Health Interview Survey (NAIC, 2000) found that approximately 8% of all adoptions

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Palm oil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Palm oil - Essay Example The UK is the wealthy nation which dominates the poor nation of Indonesia which has an abundance of cheap labour and land on which palm oil can be grown successfully. Instead of development, the production of palm oil in Indonesia takes place at a cost to the indigenous people and to the environment. The benefits derived from the production of palm oil also accrue mainly to the developed country at the expense of the relatively undeveloped Indonesia where land which should be preserved for the protection of the environment and biodiversity is being burnt in order to supply palm oil cheaply to Tesda’s supermarket chain and other company’s. Instead of development Indonesia is faced with displacement of its people and depletion of its resources. The soot from burning has affected the operations of the airline industry and will therefore have a negative effect on the economic development of the country. The preservation of the environment is important in the development of any country. The burning of the forests will have dire environmental consequences for the people of Indonesia. With the increasing and negative effects of climate change countries around the world are taking the necessary steps to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere while this is taken place in Indonesia. These events indicate that Tesda has not adopted a model for corporate social responsibility with all the negative events including corruption, lack of dialogue between groups affected by the production of palm oil and poor labour standards employed. These along with the death of persons who speak for their rights are unacceptable. The stakeholders that have legitimate claims on Tesda are the indigenous people of Indonesia whose lives have been negatively affected by plantations in which Tesda has a stake, the people who work on these plantations, suppliers to its processing plant in the Netherlands and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Foreign Market Entry Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Foreign Market Entry Plan - Essay Example Conducting PESTEL analysis is one of the essential steps in scanning the business environment of firms and attaining a complete overview of the various macro-economic factors that the company must take into consideration. PESTEL analysis describes the political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal factors prevailing in the industry or the firm’s business environment. The tool is particularly essential for businesses for making a thorough understanding and analysis of the growth or decline of markets, business positions, potential and direction of operations. PESTEL Analysis. Political Political conditions in Hong Kong seem favorable for conducting overseas businesses. Implementation of the Principal Officials Accountability System in 2002 was meant to bring about promptness and more responsiveness in the Government’s actions towards people’s concerns. This is especially favorable for conducting businesses because of the fact that any rising demand in the economy would be catered to with immediate action and support from the government.The country demonstrates an open and free economy where people’s rights are respected, courts can function independently and the rule of the law is highly respected in society (US Department of State, 2011). Economic Hong Kong represents one of the most open and dynamic economies. Recovering from the impacts of the global economic turmoil, the country attained high economic growth rates of 6.8%. Inflations rates have also gradually increased from 0.5% to 2.4% since the financial crisis. This was possible due to t he government’s aggressive initiatives and measures to control the risk of the housing market bubble due to low interest rates and high liquidity in the international financial system (US Department of State, 2011). From the perspectives of conducting business operations also the economy looks favorable with a sound banking system and very little public debt. The economy has adequate foreign exchange reserves coupled with a strong legal system. A rigorously implemented anti-corruption regime along with the above factors has also enabled the economy to adapt itself to the changing circumstances (US Department of State, 2011). The government has made a conscious initiative to promote measures for improving attractiveness of the economy as a trading and commercial centre and has been constantly reviewing and refining the financial architecture of the economy. Hong Kong seeks to reduce trade barriers considerably. In fact it has recently included a free trade agreement with China in order to enhance potential benefits from trade between the two countries. Its export of goods and services was highly on the rise since 2012 by about 17.3% which was attainable quickly because of the strong fiscal and monetary stimulus provided by the Chinese economy helping to recover from the impacts of the recession (US Department of State, 2011). Socio-Cultural The population of the country is steadily on the rise and has reached 7.097 million in 2012. It accounts for one of the most densely populated economies in the world. English accounts for the official language of the country and is spoken widely by a large group of the population. It is mandatory by

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Concert Report Essay Example for Free

Concert Report Essay Thesis statement: â€Å"This report will simply discuss how Ludwig van Beethoven integrated old and new musical ideas into his work, thus creating an unconventional but transcendent and influential quartet, based on the String Quartet No.9 in C, Op. 59, No.3 â€Å"Razumovsky† performed on the concert.† On 22nd Nov, Shanghai Quartet, one of the world’s foremost chamber ensembles, performed two musical works. They are Ludwig van Beethoven’s String Quartet No.9 in C, Op. 59, No.3 â€Å"Razumovsky † and Antonin Dvorak’s Piano Quintet No. 2 in A, B. 155, Op.82. In this report, I will focus on discussing Beethoven’s work. 1Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic period in Western art music, he remains one of the most famous and influential icon for all composers. His best-known compositions include 9symphonies, 5 concertos for piano, 32 piano sonatas, and 16 string quartets. 2The String Quartet No.9 in C, Op. 59, No.3 â€Å"Razumovsky† was written in around 1805-1806, when Beethoven was aged 35 and was at the height of his productivity. It is called the Razumovsky quartets because it is commissioned by a Russian count of that name, who was the Tzars ambassador in Vienna, a keen amateur violinist and a confirmed music lover. The quartet consists of the following four movements: 1. Andante con moto Allegro vivace (C major) 2. Andante con moto quasi allegretto (A minor) 3. Menuetto (Grazioso) (C major) 4. Allegro molto (C major) I will focus on discussing how Beethoven integrated old and new ideas into the second, third and final movements The second movement brings us to an unconventional territory. Beethoven tried something radical and that is an entire Russian movement. The exotic flavor of this movement is easy enough to hear in the augmented second intervals of the opening violin melody, the frequent pizzicato accompaniment of the cello in which as if it imitates a folk instrument such as guitar of harp and especially in the long passages of static harmony. Indeed, Beethoven is successful in conjuring up this  sense of geographical distance that the movement sounds very similar to the nationalist inspiration from decades later, by Romantic period composers like Dvorak or Borodin or Chaikovsky. But the extreme modulations and patient logic of the tonal return betray it back to its time and composer. While the second movement gives an unconventional feeling and goes for something new during that time, the third movement gestures in the opposite direction. During Beethoven’s middle period, he tended to avoid the Minuet and Trio format and try to use the robust Scherzo in his works; but here he returns to the somewhat-old-fashioned form, in a movement with a characteristic rhythmic motive in the opening seamlessly exchanged between instruments. As if to complete the ‘old-fashioned’ mode, the Trios uncomplicated dance character and rising ending melodies even bring us back to the world of early Haydn, who is a Classical Period composer. Everything in this quartet has been a surprise so far, and the last movement is no exception. It is led by a gentle coda to the third movement that ends on a question mark. But then, of all things, we are presented with the start of a traditional fugue, led off by the viola at a furious tempo. Again we have a sense of traveling between the new and the old. Fugues were by now an ancient, learned device; but Beethoven integrates this one into the most extrovert and public of moods as a display of evident virtuosity for the four soloists. What is more, as soon as the four entries have been completed, there are not any formal counterpoints and Beethoven explores instead the grandiose, symphonic modes, especially that flamboyant celebration of an enormous C-major space on all four instruments. All in all, Beethoven is so successful in integrating old musical ideas, coming from the Romantic or even the Classical period, and his new thoughts into this quartet. While I listened to it, it acts like a time machine, bringing us to travel between old and new. No wonder it is regarded as one the most transcendent quartet composed by Beethoven.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Elasticity Of Demand And Economics Decision Making Economics Essay

Elasticity Of Demand And Economics Decision Making Economics Essay Extent or degree to which a demand or supply curve reacts to the change in price is called elasticity of that curve. This nature of curve varies with different nature of products means if a product is essential then change in price does not effect much on demand. On the other hand less essential product are quite sensitive to the price changes because opportunity cost of buying those product become too high. A good or service is said to be highly elastic if slight change in price leads to a sharp changes in quantity demanded or supplied. There are lots of products in the market which are not needed in our routine life. And a good or service is said to be highly inelastic if changes in price doesnt effect much on the quantity demanded or supplied. These are those product or services which are very much essential to our daily life. Price Elasticity of Demand It is defined as the percentage change in quantity demanded to the percentage change in price for a particular product or service. Demand is said to be elastic if change in price leads to a higher change in demand, in that case Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) would be more than one i.e PED > 1 P P D D Elastic demand PED>1 Q Perfectly Elastic Q Goods which comes under elastic category tend to have following characteristics They are luxury goods. They are very expensive like sports cars. Goods bought frequently. Goods with many substitutes in market. Price Inelasticity of Demand: Demand is said to be inelastic if the percentage change in price doesnt affect much on the demand of a product i.e. PED P P Inelastic demand PED Goods which come under inelastic category tend to have following characteristics: They are necessities. People are use to them means they are addictives like wine cigarettes. They have no or very few substitutes like petrol. They cost a small percentage of income and bought infrequently. In the short demand is usually more inelastic because it takes time to find alternatives. We can say if the price of chocolate increased demand would be inelastic as there is no alternatives, however if the price of mercury increased there are close substitutes in the form of other chocolates. Therefore demand would be more elastic. In broad there are three factors influencing the demands price elasticity: The availability of substitutes: This is the most important factor influencing the elasticity of a good or service. In general speaking more the substitutes the more elastic the demand will be. Income available to spend on goods: This factor affecting demand elasticity refers to the total a person can spend on a particular good or service. Now suppose price of orange juice goes up from $2 to $3 and the income remains the same. So the income that is available to spend on orange juice which is say $12 is enough for only 4 cans rather than 6. In other words consumer is forced to reduce his demand of orange juice. So if there is increase in price and at the same time no increase in available amount for that good or service then there will be elastic reaction in demand. Therefore demand will be sensitive to a change in price if there is no change in income. Time: Another important factor is time. If price of cigarettes goes up by 15%, a smoker with very few substitute start buying on daily basis instead of buying for a week or so. This suggests that tobacco is inelastic because change of price will not have a considerable influence on the quantity demanded. However if the smoker finds difficult to spend extra 15% and begins to get rid off smoking, the price elasticity of cigarettes for that consumer become elastic in long run. Market Structure: Every market has his own features on which it works or behaves. There are few features which we should consider while determining the market structure as First of all we should know the awareness of consumer about the market. We should know how knowledgeable our customers are. We should know how many firms are doing the same business; it tells us the extent of competition we are supposed to face. What type of product we are dealing with, whether it is coming in the category of necessary product or in the category of luxury product. Whether the entry in the market is easy or difficult and same is the case with leaving the market. Based upon these factors we decide whether the market is perfectly competitive or imperfectly competitive. In a perfectly competitive market there is no entry and exit barrier, we can enter or exit at any point of time from the market. Also in perfectly competitive market product is homogenous and there are large number of buyers and sellers. While in imperfectly competitive market there are very few buyers and sellers, very difficult to enter into and exit the market and at the same time there is monopoly of product. Market Structure of Airline Industry: Market structure which suits to Airline Industry is oligopoly market. In this type of market there are only 2-3 firms who dominate the market. Advertisement and marketing is very important in such type of markets. As there are very few firms, they know each other very well. They know strategies of each other. So they always consider their competitors, while making price strategies, because they just cant set the prices by themselves. They have to consider the pricing of their competitors as well. Although when one firm has a dominant position in the market the oligopoly may experience a price leadership. Firm having lower market share may forced to follow the pricing policy of dominant firm. As large amount of fixed cost is involved in this type of market so entry as well as exit is very difficult. There are basically three major theories about the oligopoly of pricing as under: These firms collaborate to charge the unique price and at the same time unique profit. These firms compete on price so that price as well as the profit will remain same as in competitive market. These firms had the price and profit in between of perfectly competitive and monopoly markets. Market Structure Seller Entry Barrier Buyer entry Barrier Number of Seller Number of Buyers Perfect competition No No Many many Oligopoly Yes No Very few many Monopoly Yes No Only one many Table for different market structure Yield Management: The basic concept of yield management is to provide right service to right person at the right price on right time. (Kimes, 1989: Weatherford and Bodily 1992). Now in case of Airline Industry we can define yield management as generating maximum revenue per seat by keeping customer satisfied. We can do this by applying different policies. As in every industry, customer is very important in this industry. Customer is paying quite an amount to get the services of this type of industry. So we have to take a very good care of customer as well. We have to provide good service right from the booking of ticket to leaving off the plane. The strategic points of yield management are four Cs namely, calendar, capacity, clock and cost and they all bound together with another C i.e. customer. Singapore Airlines is a great example of this. They take a great care of their customers. They keep data of each and every passenger travel with them. They not only provide excellent service but also maintain good and caring relations with customers. Firms compete for market share and demand from customers in many ways. We differentiate these ways into two major subheads i.e. Price Competition and Non-price Competition. We are considering New Zealand Airline Industry as an example Price Competition: Price competition involves increasing the demand by discounted the price. We increase our business in different ways as under: We can provide discounted tickets in the off seasons. We can provide ticket through some scheme like buy one ticket and get 50% discount on purchase of another ticket. This would definitely attract customers and at the same time would increase the revenue. Because there is no use of flying with vacant seat, its better to have customers with discounted tickets. We can also start pre booking scheme especially for our off season. We can launch scheme like discount on ticket booked 1-2 months before. This would enable us to know how much customer we have in our off season and we can make our further strategy according to that. If we still have very few bookings then we can offer some gifts, holiday package or so on booking to boom our sale. We can introduce new packages with our tickets. We can collaborate with few hotels to provide a complete holidays package to family, newly married couples teenagers. We can provide one way free travel, means a person can pay for one way and get the ticket for return as well. This will increase the revenue and at the same time enable us to get few loyal customers. Non- Price Competition: This is the focus on other strategies to increase the market share. There are various strategies which comes under this category as Advertisement and marketing is the major strategy which comes under this category. As there is huge investment involve in this type of industry so we want to get super normal profit out of this. Advertisement plays an important role in achieving this. We advertise and market our product or service in such a way that it put significant impact on customer. On line booking is another value added service. We can book our ticket from home and get our seat confirmed. This would help customer to make his plan well in advance and at the same time it is hassle free. This would enable them to get rid off agents as well as long queue. And apart from this it is 24 hours service. Locality card or points given to every customer, who keeps on adding and customer, will get a prize on reaching certain points. This enable customer to interest for his next trip from same airline.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Severe Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia in Pregnancy

Severe Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia in Pregnancy Severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in pregnancy: Disparities in healthcare system between low and high income countries Introduction To create achievement in this modern era of society,reproductive health of women has an unlimited impacttowards national, international and global health concerns. Among them, severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia areglobal health problems which contribute towards increased postpartum psychosis,increasedlifelong hypertension and other health related issues which inflatesthe percentage towards 2-8% of all pregnancies and related with 9-26% of maternal deaths internationally and 15% of preterm births (World Health Organization, 2005). Severe pre- eclampsia, eclampsia, sepsis, unsafe abortion, post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) and prolonged labour are the major derivativesof maternal death worldwide (Duley, 2009; Steegers et al, 2010). As stated by Millennium Development Goals report 2015, later 1990, the maternal death ratio has declined by 45 percent worldwide, and most of the reduction has occurred after 2000. Most of the reduction has occurred after 2000. The percentage of maternal mortality had diminished by 64 percent from 1990 to 2013 globally. Whereas, in Sub-Saharan Africa   it dropped by 49 percent (United Nation MDG Report, 2015). Getting all antenatal visits, using contraceptive methods prior and after pregnancy period, willing to allow skilled birth attendant to assist in the process of childbirth, media advertisement of the adverse effects of home delivery etc. have supported towards maintaining the decrease drift of the maternal mortality ratio after 2000. Within Northern Africa, an improved ratio of 59 percentages in mortality rate has shown in 1990 in the MDG report, 2015. The quantity of expectant women who obtained four or more than four antenatal visits raised from 50 percent to 89 percent since 1990 to 2015. Contraceptive manifestation among women aged 15 to 49, married or in a harmony, increased from 55 percent to 64 per cent in the year between1990 to 2015 globally. Skill health personnel globally assisted over and above, 71 percent of births in 2014 which helps to fall the death rate during delivery (United Nation MDG Report, 2015). Justification/ Rationale The predicted trend of maternal death was 183 in 2005 (World Health Organization, 2005). The fifth attention of Millennium Development Goal was 75% diminution of the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) from 1990 to 2015. From 1990 to 2015, maternal mortality worldwide dropped by 44% (WHO, UNICEF, World Bank, 2016). Roughly, 830 women die from pregnancy and childbirth related medical issues globally per day according to the (WHO fact sheet, November 2016). Between 2016 and 2030, according to the Sustainable Development Goals target, we aim at dropping the maternal mortality ratio which is fewer than 70 maternal deaths per 1 million live child birth worldwide by 2030 (Alkema et al., 2016). Severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are the main causes of death of childbearing mother. These diseases help to develop postpartum psychosis and lifelong hypertension after giving childbirth so that if the mother stays alive she gets these groups of diseases afterwards which leads towards decrease in QALY (Quality adjusted life Index) by adding an amount of maternal morbidity ratio which is a threat to conceive further. In these regards, I am concentrating on the topics of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia now, which can be prevented by prudent and proactive management of respective health care system. Healthcare system varies in different socio-economic condition of the country e.g. the United Kingdom abide by the rules of Beveridge Model whereas low income countries e.g. south Asia, South Africa stands by Out-of-Pocket Model. Among the four basic models (Beveridge model, Bismark model, national health insurance model, out of pocket model), the Beveridge model is arranged and funded by the government through income tax payment or National Insurance. It is perhaps the worlds purest model of Health care system. United Kingdom is following this model where we do not need to pay any doctors bill, which is a progressive facilitator towards reducing maternal mortality on the way to attaining goals and encouraging people towards getting more and more touch with the physicians. On the other hand, poor nations e.g. South Africa, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Bhutan, etc. counties are following the out of pocket model whereas they do not have any organized healthcare system. The basic rule in much model is the rich gets the medical care because they could provide healthcare professionals with monetary amounts and the poor lag behind and die. Besides, there is scarcity of knowledge, education, and vehicle to go to a doctor even in case of life threatening condition of those people. Moreover, women are portrayed as a second gender in those deprived countries so there are also inequities in social position, which leads them towards lack of access to the health care system. Sometimes there are other issue which lead pregnant women to stay at home and deliver babies such as environmental hazards e.g. flood, drought, heavy rain, tornado, etc. Living in geographically hard to reach areas, cultural trends, natural disasters make them to do so. This health care system of Beveridge model achieves 0% maternal mortality ratio in 2015 in case of eclampsia and pre-eclampsia related maternal mortality ratio (REF). So to reduce maternal death related to eclampsia and pre-eclampsia in low income countries, we can follow this best models management system. In most the articles, literatures, journals had taken the data of eclampsia and pre-eclampsia together because eclampsia is the end stage of pre-eclampsia condition including convulsion, so it is nearly impossible to discuss them separately. For this above reason, I am discussing both of the issues altogether as an overall view. A significant number of perinatal deaths of mother in some areas of the world reflects discrimination in access to health facilities and highlights the gap between rich and poor. Maternal mortality and morbidity are higher among the poor rural populations in developing nations. Practically all maternal demises (99%) occur in developing countries. For an example in sub-Saharan Africa, more than half of these maternal deaths occur as well as in South Asia, nearly one-third of these unpredictable deaths occur due to the delicate and humanitarian settings. According to the recent data of World health organization, the maternal mortality ratio in developing countries in 2015 was 239 per 1 million live births opposed to 12 per 1 million live births in developed countries (WHO Factsheet, 2016). In rural Bangladesh, more than 75% of neonatal births as well as delivery occur at home in the absence of skilled birth attendant (Sikder et al., 2014). As a consequence, the majority of obstetric complications defined as acute conditions such as sepsis, eclampsia, haemorrhage, and obstructed labour that can cause maternal deaths arise in the home (Belizà ¡n, Buekens, Althabe, Bergel, 2006) Healthcare system professionals are more in quantities in the urban setting than in the rural healthcare system in the out-of-pocket model, whereas we can see the equal distribution of caregivers and physicians in Beveridge Model.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Drones: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Essay -- UAVs Technology Essays

Like much of today’s technology, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles attribute their creation to the military. The idea of using unmanned aircraft has long been a dream for the military -- scouting planes without any casualties to report should something go wrong, air strikes with only time and money to lose, and the ability to wage war without losing a single life. Well the third one may perhaps not be realistic – as Afghanistan has shown, lack of ground troops leaves certain entities unchecked.1 However, it may be argued that â€Å"they represent a significant step toward the eventual automation of the battlefield—one in which teleoperated or robotic systems replace many soldiers.†2 Either way, these machines do create a less expensive and more dispensable alternative to conventional air battles. This creates obvious moral issues, as the country with such technology is no longer as tentative to engage in armed combat. UAVs can do many things that conventional aircraft cannot. As Steven Ashley puts it, â€Å"’Traditional’ aircraft—fast photo/ reconnaissance fighters, high-flying U-2s, and sensor-laden patrol planes—nor the classified orbital spy satellites can do the job of the simple, prop-driven unmanned aerial vehicles.†3 These advantages, coupled with their low expense, place them in great demand. As Ronald R. Fogelman (U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff) states, â€Å"We are now impressed by the convergence of technological advances in computers, flight controls, lightweight materials, advanced electric motors, and communications packages that will make modern UAVs extremely effective.†4 UAVs are not only to be used for such questionable moral circumstances as war; these vehicles can provide a plethora of services in the commercial market. H... ...chanical Engineering 125 (2003): 11. 52 Steven Ashley, â€Å"Robot Spy Planes Peer Over the Horizon,† Mechanical Engineering 118 (1996): 91. 53 Brian P. Tice, â€Å"Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,† Airpower Journal 5 (1991): 48. Works Cited Max Boot, â€Å"The New American Way of War,† Foreign Affairs 82 (2003): 41. Brian P. Tice, â€Å"Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,† Airpower Journal 5 (1991): 41. Christopher M. Centner, â€Å"Consigning Air Bases to the Dustbin of History,† Airpower Journal 12 (1998): 100. John Degaspari, â€Å"Flying Blind,† Mechanical Engineering 125 (2003): 10. Steven Ashley, â€Å"Robot Spy Planes Peer Over the Horizon,† Mechanical Engineering 118 (1996): 84. Tom Clarke, â€Å"Flying Free,† Nature 417 (2002): 582. = info = info = background

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay on The Holy Bible - Genesis 1-3 and the Downfall of Mankind :: Holy Bible Genesis Essays

Genesis 1-3 and the Downfall of Mankind People hold many differing opinions about Genesis 1-3. Some people believe that God didn't want Adam and Eve to have the knowledge of good and evil because it would make them as gods. The purpose of this essay is to show that Adam and Eve caused the downfall of mankind. Now, to the untrained eye, it may be possible to interpret the aforementioned text as having certain "scheisty" tendencies coming from both the serpent and, believe it or not, God himself. As possible as it may seem, the main theme of the passages of Genesis are not trying to show God as being greedy with the knowledge of good and evil. It isn't like God was worried that Adam and Eve would gain knowledge that would empower them and make them as gods. That is almost preposterous to think that God, the almighty creator of heaven and earth, would be worried about two mortals obtaining a little bit of information. In all actuality, that idea is incredibly far from the truth. God gave Adam and Eve the world, literally. This perfect world, a "heaven on earth", was just given to them out of the goodness of his heart. All they had to do was look over God's creations and enjoy true eternal bliss. As a matter of fact, the only rule that God gave to Adam and Eve was to not eat of the tree of t he knowledge of good and evil. All they had to do to live in the eternal paradise, with all the cookies and milk they could stomach, was to follow that one freakin' rule. Acknowledging the fact that the serpent (a.k.a. Satan Incarnate) did do its part in persuading Eve to eat the fruit and to give the fruit to her husband. Even still, Eve should have realized that she was risking eternal happiness for the words of a snake. God said, "... of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shallot not eat of it: for in the day that thou neatest thereof thou shallot surely die." He wasn't speaking of an instantaneous death, or even mortal death. He was more so saying that they would lose their immortal lives, therefor being compromised by mortal death. The serpent knew of this and used his knowledge to bring about the inevitable demise of mankind.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Perception of a Tragic Hero: “Hamlet” Essay

Perceptions and understanding of Shakespearean language evolve as time passes. It is reasonable to believe that Laertes is more of a tragic hero than Hamlet. In order for this to be seen effectively, a comparison must be made between Laertes and Hamlet. In the play Hamlet, Laertes is a character who grabs the audience’s attention. His devotion to succeed, despite disadvantages is both motivational and tragic situations, is inspirational to some extent. His portrayal as the antagonist is very effective in conveying the message that, the easy way may not always be the right path to pursue. In the end, people are accountable for their own actions. To Laertes, the urge to avenge a loved ones death was worth taking, and is understandable in all cultures. One must remember that Laertes is not only after revenge, but also after loyalty to avenge. If Laertes were to take revenge on Hamlet, this would show only that he is interested in satisfying his own needs. However, by performing t hese acts in the name of loyalty, Laertes is ensuring that his father Polonius does not die in vain. Laertes can be thought of as more of a tragic hero than Hamlet due to greater loss in his fall, the fact that he is optimistic, his nobility and him showing a tragic flaw. A tragic hero must show a considerable loss in their fall. Hamlet went through many hardships. He lost everyone close to him, but sustained his legacy. This differs from Laertes who simply died. Unlike Hamlet, who was carried out â€Å"like a soldier, to the stage; For he was likely, had he been put on, To have proved most royally,† (V, II, 390-392). Laertes was forgotten. There was no one to remember his legacy, and because of this, Laertes has more to loose in his fall than Hamlet. Hamlet on the other hand, shows little optimism, although this is crucial characteristic of a tragic hero. The audience understands the mourning of a loved one, but the time must come when people move on. In Hamlets case, the time of mourning must have past since he is the only one that continues this. Gertrude, his mother questions this behaviour. She does so by saying, â€Å"cast thy nighted colour off, And let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark. Do not for ever with thy veiled lids Seek for thy noble father in the dust: Thou know’st ’tis common; all that lives must die, Passing through  nature to eternity,† (I, II, 68-73). On the other hand, Laertes, despite loosing his father by the hands of his friend Hamlet, still shows optimism. He had every reason to mourn, and would have the added feeling of betrayal, but even so, he is not as distraught as Hamlet. This goes to show that his optimism in justice will be served makes him a greater tragic hero than H amlet. However, another characteristic possessed by Laertes is that he is noble. He wins the admiration of the audience because of his bravery and non-hesitant behaviour. Not only does the audience admire this man, so do the characters of this play. We see that men follow Laertes to offer assistance where needed, â€Å"save yourself, my lord: The ocean, overpeering of his list, Eats not the flats with more impetuous haste Than young Laertes, in a riotous head,† (IV, V, 96-99). The devotion he has towards his cause can be shown with his self-sacrificial statement, â€Å"and like the kind life-rendering pelican, Repast them with my blood,† (IV, V, 143-144). Perhaps, the flaw that leads to Laertes’ detriment is that he is easily manipulated. Claudius, who is Hamlet’s uncle, uses Laertes for his own revenge on Hamlet. This begs the question if the first two blows encountered within the fencing match were intentional. Because of the death of his beloved sister, and the fact that his father was murdered, Laertes may have felt he no longer had anything to live for. His friend Hamlet can be linked to both deaths. Only towards the end is Hamlet able to rationalize his actions by saying, â€Å"this presence knows, And you must needs have heard, how I am punish’d with sore distraction. What I have done, that might your nature, honour and exception roughly awake, I here proclaim was madness.† (V, II, 217-223). Another factor which would lead the audience to believe Laertes intentionally let Hamlet hit him, was that Hamlet was not confident in his own fencing skills. In this statement, Hamlet is quoted saying â€Å"I will win for him an I can; if not, I will gain nothing but my shame and the odd hits,† (V, II, 171-173). This gives circumstantial evidence that Laertes was better at the sport, and therefore let Hamlet hit him the first two times on purpose. This would go with the plan set by Claudius; the first hit, he would drink to Hamlets health and then put a poisonous gem in the  wine. The second hit, Hamlet would drink the poison. Because of this manipulation, and not seizing the appropriate opportunity, Laertes was killed by Hamlet. The flaws shown in Hamlet are that he is procrastinates and that he is indirect. Hamlet shows his procrastination with the delayed killing of Claudius. An example of when Hamlet was indirect is with his feelings towards Ophelia, Laertes sister. It is clear to see what is going through her mind, when making reference to Hamlet with this song she sings while presumed insane, â€Å"by Gis and by Saint Charity, Alack, and fie for shame! Young men will do’t, if they come to’t; By cock, they are to blame. Quoth she, before you tumbled me, You promised me to wed. So would I ha’ done, by yonder sun, An thou hadst not come to my bed,† (IV, V, 57-62). The irony in this is that Laertes warned Ophelia earlier to be cautious of Hamlet by saying:Perhaps he loves you now, And now no soil nor cautel doth besmirch The virtue of his will: but you must fear, His greatness weigh’d, his will is not his own; For he himself is subject to his birth†¦ Then if he says he loves you, It fits your wisdom so far to believe it As he in his particular act and place May give his saying deed; which is no further Than the main voice of Denmark goes withal. Then weigh what loss your honor may sustain, If with too credent ear you list his songs, Or lose your heart, or your chaste treasure open To his unmaster’d importunity. Fear it, Ophelia, fear it, my dear sister, And keep you in the rear of your affection, Out of the shot and danger of desire (I, III, 14-35). In this statement, Laertes is warning Ophelia about Hamlet, he is telling her to watch out because of Hamlets status. He claims that Hamlet will never truly love her. Common characteristics of both Laertes and Hamlet are that they are obligated to commit murder. What is unique about this situation is that they both are compelled for the same reason, the murder of their father. Depending on the perspective of the audience, one of these two men can be looked at as a tragic hero. They both demonstrate the characteristics needed to be a tragic hero, but what separates Laertes from Hamlet is that he was optimistic from  the beginning and shows more ambition. He ventured into a journey in which he knew that he would never be successful. This did not stop him from attempting to achieve his objective. Laertes made it clear to Claudius that he would do anything in order to reach where he was going, he says:To hell, allegiance! vows, to the blackest devil! Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit! I dare damnation. To this point I stand, That both the worlds I give to negligence, Let come what comes; only I’ll be revenged Most thoroughly for my father. (IV, V, 129-134). Hamlet on the other hand is contradictory to himself. In one scene, he talks about how he does not want to commit suicide because it is a sin, this is shown by saying, â€Å"to be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more,† (III, I, 57-62). Yet in another scene he comes up with a scheme to get Rosencrantz and Guildenstern killed, and plots the same as Claudius. What divides our society on a literary level is the understanding of meanings and perspective on which we see them in. Because of our culture, the audience has the ability to analyze in a way impossible in Shakespearian time. It is understandable now that Laertes is an inspirational character that was destined on a path of failure. Despite all obstacles, he accomplished his task, which represents the ambition and virtue within all people. This inspiring struggle symbolizes similar hardships known to many. Due to this, Laertes can signify the life of a realistic character. He meets the criteria of a tragic hero and represents the eternal struggle. Laertes looses more in his fall, he showed optimism and nobility, while demonstrating a tragic flaw, and by understanding the information given above, one may conclude that the memory of Laertes will no longer be forgotten.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Nursing Informatics at All Levels of Patient Care

The development of nursing informatics was inevitable.   As a matter of fact, nursing informatics is a growing discipline, defined as the â€Å"use of information technologies in relation to those functions within the purview of nursing, and that are carried out by nurses when performing their duties.   Therefore, any use of information technologies by nurses in relation to the care of their patients, the administration of health care facilities, or the educational preparation of individuals to practice the discipline is considered nursing informatics† (Turley, 1999). Nursing is a scientific discipline with a focus on information or knowledge.   Hence, nursing informatics, too, is focused on the easy access of crucial information to nurses.   Indeed, nursing informatics has the power to embrace all pieces of information that a nurse would require at any time.   Whether it is patient data or information about medicines that is required by a nurse at any given time, the help that information technology can provide in accessing required information, cannot be discounted.   No longer does the nurse have to flip through â€Å"book after book† to find needed information at a time of emergency. No longer does he or she have to go searching for doctors when electronic communication is ready to ease the functioning of healthcare facilities (Nelson, 2005).   Nursing informatics also allows teaching nurses to impart education more effectively to their juniors.   It is a fact, after all, that information technology allows for accurate information to be stored and retrieved.   Thus, Meadows (2002) predicts an increasing use of information systems in the healthcare profession.   I would add to the prediction that since nursing informatics is a groundbreaking use of technology in healthcare, all areas of patient care (including my own) would benefit tremendously by its use.   Errors will be checked more easily by appropriate use of IT.   In point of fact, I predict a general improvement in healthcare as a direct consequence of nursing informatics. References Meadows, Ginny. (2002, November). Nursing informatics: an evolving specialty. Nursing Economics. Nelson, Darrick. (2005, February). More than a pocketful of knowledge: a family practice group uses integrated mobile technology at the point of care to improve decision-making and patient care. Health Management Technology. Turley, James P. (1996, December 22). Towards a Model for Nursing Informatics. Journal of Nursing Scholarship.      

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Robbins Organization Behavior Leadership Quiz

Chapter 11 Leadership 1) John Kotter's view argues that management focuses on coping with complexity, whereas leadership focuses on coping with ________. A) conflict B) success C) day-to-day matters D) morale E) change Answer: E Explanation: E) John Kotter of the Harvard Business School argues that management is about coping with complexity. Good management brings about order and consistency by drawing up formal plans, designing rigid organization structures, and monitoring results against the plans.Leadership, in contrast, is about coping with change. Leaders establish direction by developing a vision of the future; then they align people by communicating this vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles. Diff: 2Page Ref: 150 Objective: Management and Leadership Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 1 2) Leadership is best defined as ________. Similar essay: Absolute StatementA) the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals B) the process of drawing up formal plans and monitoring their implementation C) the process of carrying out the vision and strategy provided by management D) coordinating and staffing the organization and handling day-to-day problems E) the proper use of the influence gained exclusively as a result of one's organizational position Answer: A Explanation: A) Leadership can be defined as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals.Leaders can emerge from within a group as well as by formal appointment. Diff: 2Page Ref: 150 Objective: Leadership Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3) Which of the following statements regarding leadership is true? A) All leaders are managers. B) Formal rights ensure good leadership. C) All managers are leaders. D) All leaders are hierarchically superior to followers. E) Nonsanctioned leaders hip is as important as formal influence. Answer: E Explanation: E) The source of a leader's influence may be formal, such as that provided by managerial rank in an organization.But not all leaders are managers, nor, for that matter, are all managers leaders. Just because an organization provides its managers with certain formal rights is no assurance they will lead effectively. Nonsanctioned leadership—the ability to influence that arises outside the formal structure of the organization—is often as important or more important than formal influence. Diff: 2Page Ref: 151 Objective: Leadership Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 1 4) Which theory of leadership differentiates leaders from nonleaders by focusing on personal qualities and characteristics? A) Fiedler's modelB) attributes theory C) LMX theory D) contingency theory E) trait theory Answer: E Explanation: E) Trait theories of leadership focus on personal qualities and characteristics. The search for persona lity, social, physical, or intellectual attributes that differentiate leaders from nonleaders goes back to the earliest stages of leadership research. Diff: 1Page Ref: 151 Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 5) Early research efforts at isolating leadership traits resulted in a number of dead ends. A breakthrough, of sorts, came when researchers began ________.A) organizing traits around the Big Five personality framework B) using the Keirsey Temperament Sorter C) using Cattell's 16 personality factors D) focusing on Eysenck's three factor model E) considering the Revised NEO Personality Inventory Answer: A Explanation: A) Early research efforts at isolating leadership traits resulted in a number of dead ends. By the 1990s, after numerous studies and analyses, about the best we could say was that most leaders â€Å"are not like other people,† but the particular traits that characterized them varied a great deal from review to review.A breakth rough, of sorts, came when researchers began organizing traits around the Big Five personality framework. Most of the dozens of traits in various leadership reviews fit under one of the Big Five, giving strong support to traits as predictors of leadership. Diff: 2Page Ref: 151 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 6) According to research, which of the Big Five personality traits is the most important in effective leaders? A) conscientiousness B) openness C) extraversion D) agreeablenessE) emotional stability Answer: C Explanation: C) A comprehensive review of leadership literature, when organized around the Big Five, has found extraversion to be the most important trait of effective leaders but more strongly related to leader emergence than to leader effectiveness. Conscientiousness and openness to experience also showed strong relationships to leadership, though not quite as strong as extraversion. Diff: 1Page Ref: 151 Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Category: Concept/Defin itionalLO: 7) Emotional intelligence (EI) is critical to effective leadership because one of its core components is ________. A) conscientiousness B) empathy C) optimism D) intraversion E) perfectionism Answer: B Explanation: B) A core component of EI is empathy. Empathetic leaders can sense others' needs, listen to what followers say (and don't say), and read the reactions of others. The caring part of empathy, especially for the people with whom you work, is what inspires people to stay with a leader when the going gets rough. Diff: 1Page Ref: 152Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 8) Which of the following statements accurately reflects the conclusions about the trait theories of leadership? A) Traits were better predictors of leadership 20 years ago than they are now. B) The Big Five traits are inadequate for predicting leadership. C) Traits are especially useful for distinguishing between effective and ineffective leaders. D) Traits do a good j ob of predicting the emergence of leaders. E) Overall, traits are poor predictors of leadership. Answer: DExplanation: D) Two conclusions can be offered about the effectiveness of the trait theory of leadership. First, traits can predict leadership. Twenty years ago, the evidence suggested otherwise. The Big Five seem to have rectified that. Second, traits do a better job predicting the emergence of leaders and the appearance of leadership than actually distinguishing between effective and ineffective leaders. Diff: 2Page Ref: 152 Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 9) Your company's HR director is a believer in trait theories of leadership.He believes that he can differentiate leaders from non-leaders by focusing on personal qualities and characteristics. The HR director plans to promote Lawrence, a highly extroverted manager with a great deal of ambition and energy to the position of VP, Manufacturing. He asks for your expertise in helping him to apply trait theory to leadership selection within your company. The director believes that because of his innate characteristics, Lawrence will be highly effective at helping the company achieve its production goals.You advise the director against basing his decision purely on traits because ________. A) research has identified emotional stability as the strongest predictor of leadership effectiveness B) studies have found that the Big Five traits are difficult to identify in leaders C) studies have shown that traits are poor predictors of leadership effectiveness D) research has found that conscientiousness is a better predictor of effectiveness than extroversion E) research has shown that effective managers are often unlikely to become effective leaders Answer: CExplanation: C) Traits do a better job predicting the emergence of leaders and the appearance of leadership than actually distinguishing between effective and ineffective leaders. The fact that an individual exhibits the t raits and others consider that person to be a leader does not necessarily mean the leader is successful at getting his or her group to achieve its goals. The context matters, too. Diff: 3Page Ref: 152 AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Trait Theories Quest. Category: Application LO: 2 10) Which of the following theories of leadership implies that individuals can be trained to become leaders?A) trait theories B) LMX theory C) contingency theories D) behavioral theories E) Fiedler model Answer: D Explanation: D) The failures of early trait studies led researchers in the late 1940s through the 1960s to wonder whether there was something unique in the way effective leaders behave. While trait research provides a basis for selecting the right people for leadership, behavioral studies implied we could train people to be leaders. Diff: 2Page Ref: 152 Objective: Behavioral Theories Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 1) The Ohio State Studies narrowed the independent dimensions of le ader behavior to two that substantially accounted for most of the leadership behavior described by employees: consideration and ________. A) employee-orientation B) empathy C) constructing vision D) initiating structure E) charisma Answer: D Explanation: D) Seeking to identify independent dimensions of leader behavior, the Ohio State Studies determined that two dimensions accounted for most effective leadership behavior: initiating structure and consideration.Initiating structure is the extent to which leaders are likely to define and structure their roles and those of their employees in the search for goal attainment. Consideration is the extent to which a leader's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings. Diff: 2Page Ref: 152 Objective: Ohio State Studies Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 12) In the context of behavioral dimensions of leadership identified in the Ohio State Studies, initiating struct ure refers to the extent to which ________.A) a person's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings B) a leader engages in participative management C) a leader is accepting of and respects individual differences among various team members D) a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment E) a leader initiates efforts to communicate personally with employees Answer: DExplanation: D) As a behavioral dimension of leaders, initiating structure is the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment. It includes behavior that attempts to organize work, work relationships, and goals. Diff: 2Page Ref: 152 Objective: Initiating Structure Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 13) Kimberley, a manager at a large company, tends to assign group members to particular task s, expects workers to maintain definite standards of performance, and emphasizes the meeting of deadlines.In the light of the Ohio State Studies, this indicates that Kimberley, as a leader, is ________. A) low in task orientation B) high in consideration C) relationship oriented D) employee oriented E) high in initiating structure Answer: E Explanation: E) Initiating structure is the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and those of employees in the search for goal attainment. It includes behavior that attempts to organize work, work relationships, and goals.A leader high in initiating structure is someone who â€Å"assigns group members to particular tasks,† â€Å"expects workers to maintain definite standards of performance,† and â€Å"emphasizes the meeting of deadlines. † Diff: 3Page Ref: 152 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 2 14) In the context of behavioral dimensions of leadership identified in the Ohio State Studies, ________ is the extent to which a person's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings. A) consideration B) initiating structure C) production orientationD) task orientation E) position power Answer: A Explanation: A) In the context of behavioral dimensions of leadership identified in the Ohio State Studies, consideration is the extent to which a person's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings. Diff: 2Page Ref: 152 Objective: Consideration Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 15) Jim, a VP at a large company, helps employees with personal problems, is friendly and approachable, treats all employees as equals, and expresses appreciation and support.In the light of the Ohio State Studies, this indicates that Jim, as a leader, is ________. A) task oriented B) high in consideration C) high in initiating structure D) low in relationship orientation E) production oriented Answer: B Explanation: B) Consideration is the extent to which a person's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings. A leader high in consideration helps employees with personal problems, is friendly and approachable, treats all employees as equals, and expresses appreciation and support. Diff: 3Page Ref: 152 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest.Category: Application LO: 2 16) The two dimensions of leadership behavior identified in the University of Michigan studies are ________. A) absolute leadership and contingency leadership B) transformational leaders and authentic leaders C) employee-oriented leaders and production-oriented leaders D) initiating structure and consideration E) initiation and completion Answer: C Explanation: C) Leadership studies at the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center located behavioral characteristics of leaders that appeared r elated to performance effectiveness: the employee-oriented leader and the production-oriented leader.The employee-oriented leader emphasized interpersonal relationships by taking a personal interest in the needs of employees and accepting individual differences among them; the production-oriented leader emphasized the technical or task aspects of the job—concern focused on accomplishing the group's tasks. Diff: 2Page Ref: 153 Objective: University of Michigan Studies Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 17) The University of Michigan studies define a(n) ________ leader as one who takes a personal interest in the needs of his/her subordinates.A) contingency B) task-oriented C) employee-oriented D) production-oriented E) structure initiating Answer: C Explanation: C) According to the behavioral dimensions of leaders identified by the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center, the employee-oriented leader emphasized interpersonal relationships by taking a personal i nterest in the needs of employees and accepting individual differences among them. Diff: 2Page Ref: 153 Objective: Employee-Oriented Leaders Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 8) If a leader's main concern is accomplishing his/her group's tasks, the University of Michigan studies label this leader ________. A) employee-oriented B) high in consideration C) relationship-oriented D) low in initiating structure E) production-oriented Answer: E Explanation: E) According to the behavioral dimensions identified by the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center, the production-oriented leader emphasized the technical or task aspects of the job, his main concern being accomplishing the group's tasks. Diff: 2Page Ref: 153 Objective: Production-Oriented LeadersQuest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 19) The behavioral dimensions identified by the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center are closely related to those identified in the Ohio State Study. Employee-oriented leadership is similar to ________, and production-oriented leadership is similar to ________. A) initiating structure; consideration B) task-orientation; relationship-orientation C) transformational leadership; authentic leadership D) authentic leadership; transformational leadership E) consideration; initiating structure Answer: EExplanation: E) The behavioral dimensions identified by the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center are closely related to the Ohio State dimensions. Employee-oriented leadership is similar to consideration, and production-oriented leadership is similar to initiating structure. In fact, most leadership researchers use the terms synonymously. Diff: 2Page Ref: 153 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 2 20) Contingency theories focus on the ________ that impact leadership success.. A) leader's personal characteristics and qualities B) leader's abilities to inspire and transform followersC) situational variables D) values and ethics E) aspects of the leader's behavior Answer: C Explanation: C) Numerous studies have shown that predicting leadership success is more complex than isolating a few traits or behaviors, since leadership styles that are effective in very bad times or in very good times do not necessarily translate into long-term success. This idea led researchers to change their focus from trait and behavior theories to situational influences on leadership styles, or contingency theories. Diff: 1Page Ref: 154 Objective: Contingency Models Quest. Category: Concept/DefinitionalLO: 3 21) The first comprehensive contingency model for leadership was developed by ________. A) Hersey and Blanchard B) Blake and Mouton C) Fred Fiedler D) John Kotter E) Douglas Surber Answer: C Explanation: C) The first comprehensive contingency model for leadership was developed by Fred Fiedler. Fiedler believes that a key factor in leadership success is the individual's basic leadership style. According to the Fiedler contingency model, effe ctive group performance depends on the proper match between the leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control. Diff: 1Page Ref: 154Objective: Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 22) Which model represents the theory that effective group performance depends on the proper match between a leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives control to the leader? A) leader-member exchange model B) Fiedler's contingency model C) Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model D) Vroom and Yetton's leader-participation model E) House's path-goal model of leadership Answer: B Explanation: B) According to Fiedler's Contingency Model, the key factor predicting leadership success is the individual's basic leadership style.Since Fiedler assumes an individual's leadership style is fixed, effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives the le ader control. Diff: 2Page Ref: 154 Objective: Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 23) In Fiedler's model, if a respondent describes his or her least preferred co-worker in relatively positive terms, then the respondent is considered to be ________. A) relationship oriented B) production-oriented C) task-oriented D) high in initiating structure E) low in consideration Answer: AExplanation: A) Fiedler's least preferred coworker (LPC) questionnaire measures whether a person is task- or relationship-oriented by asking respondents to rate their least favorite coworker. If respondents describe their least favorite coworker in favorable terms (a high LPC score), they are probably relationship-oriented. In contrast, respondents who describe their least-preferred coworker in unfavorable terms (a low LPC score) are viewed as primarily interested in productivity and as being task-oriented. Diff: 3Page Ref: 154 Objective: Least Preferred Coworker Quest. Categor y: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 4) If a survey respondent sees his or her least preferred co-worker in unfavorable terms, Fiedler would categorize the respondent as ________. A) high in consideration B) task-oriented C) low in initiating structure D) employee-oriented E) relationship oriented Answer: B Explanation: B) Fiedler's least preferred coworker (LPC) questionnaire measures whether a person is task- or relationship-oriented by asking respondents to rate their least favorite coworker. Respondents who describe their least-preferred coworker in unfavorable terms (a low LPC score) are viewed as primarily interested in productivity and as being task-oriented.Conversely, respondents who describe their least-favorite coworker in favorable terms (a high LPC score) are considered to be relationship-oriented. Diff: 2Page Ref: 154 Objective: Least Preferred Coworker Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 25) Fran has just completed and scored the LPC questionnaire given to her during an evaluation exercise. She is surprised when she finds out that she described her least preferred co-worker in relatively positive terms because she recalls being particularly annoyed by this difficult co-worker several times in the past.Based on your understanding of Fiedler's model, you explain to Fran that her LPC score makes sense within the model because ________. A) Fran tends to become very dominating when given ambiguous tasks B) Fran is usually much more focused on productivity than on developing relationships C) Fran tends in general to focus on building good relationships with the other employees D) Fran has a spotty work history and has tended to switch jobs every couple of years E) Fran is usually chosen for positions of high responsibility within your organization Answer: CExplanation: C) If you describe the person you are least able to work with in favorable terms (a high LPC score), Fiedler would label you relationship oriented. In contrast, if you see your least p referred co-worker in relatively unfavorable terms (a low LPC score), you are primarily interested in productivity and are task oriented. Diff: 3Page Ref: 154 AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Least Preferred Coworker Quest. Category: Application LO: 3 26) Fiedler's contingency leadership model assumes that ________. A) an individual's leadership style is essentially fixedB) an individual can use the LPC to change his/her style to a more productive style C) there is no ideal way to match leadership styles with situations D) all leaders can learn to adapt to different contingencies E) each person's style will change in accordance with the situation at hand Answer: A Explanation: A) Fiedler assumes an individual's leadership style is fixed. This means if a situation requires a task-oriented leader and the person in the leadership position is relationship oriented, either the situation has to be modified or the leader has to be replaced to achieve optimal effectiveness.Diff: 2Page Ref: 154 Objective: Fiedler Contingency Model Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 27) Fiedler labels the degree of confidence, trust, and respect that subordinates have in their leader as ________. A) leader-member relations B) task structure C) positional power D) leader-member exchange E) leader-member orientation Answer: A Explanation: A) Fiedler identified three contingency or situational dimensions to leadership success, including leader-member relations, task structure, and position power. Leader-member relations is the degree of confidence, trust, and respect members have in their leader.Diff: 1Page Ref: 154 Objective: Leader-Member Relations Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 28) Which of the following situational dimensions identified by Fiedler relates to the degree to which job assignments are procedurized, that is, structured or unstructured? A) leader-member relations B) task orientation C) task structure D) initiating structure E) productivity oriented Ans wer: C Explanation: C) Fiedler identified three contingency or situational dimensions in which certain types of leaders might excel or fail, including leader-member relations, task structure, and position power.Task structure is the degree to which job assignments are procedurized (that is, structured or unstructured). Leaders who are task-oriented, Fielder proposes, perform best when the situation is very favorable or very unfavorable. Diff: 1Page Ref: 154 Objective: Task Structures Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 29) In the context of Fiedler's model, the situational dimension termed ________ relates to the degree of influence a leader has over power variables such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases. A) task structure B) leader-member exchange C) position powerD) initiating structure E) leader-member relations Answer: C Explanation: C) In the context of Fiedler's model, the situational dimension termed position power relates to the degree o f influence a leader has over power variables such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases. Diff: 1Page Ref: 154 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 30) If you were using the Fielder contingency model of leadership to establish a scenario in your company which gives managers maximum control, which of the following combinations of situational dimensions would you seek to achieve?A) high task structure, good leader-member relations, and strong position power B) limited position power, good leader-member relations, and low task structure C) less structured jobs, strong position power, and moderate leader-member relations D) broad employee responsibilities, low position power, and moderate leader-member relations E) good leader-member relations, low position power, unstructured jobs Answer: A Explanation: A) The Fiedler contingency model proposes that effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader's style and the degree to whic h the situation gives the leader control.Fiedler states that the better the leader–member relations, the more highly structured the job, and the stronger the position power, the more control the leader has. Diff: 3Page Ref: 154 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 3 31) According to the Fiedler contingency model of leadership, task-oriented leaders perform best in situations of ________, while relationship-oriented leaders perform best in ________ situations. A) moderate control; high and low control B) high control; low and moderate control C) high and moderate control; low controlD) high and low control; moderate control E) moderate and low control; high control Answer: D Explanation: D) In the Fiedler contingency model, combining the three contingency dimensions yields eight possible situations in which leaders can find themselves. Fiedler recently condensed these eight situations down to three. According to him, task-oriented leaders perform best in sit uations of high and low control, while relationship-oriented leaders perform best in moderate control situations. Diff: 2Page Ref: 154 Objective: Matching Leaders and Situations Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 2) Which of the following leadership theories argues that because of time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their subordinates—the in-group, who are trusted, get a disproportionate amount of the leader's attention, and are more likely to receive special privileges? A) situational leadership theory B) leader-member exchange C) path-goal D) expectancy E) Fiedler's theory Answer: B Explanation: B) Leader–member exchange (LMX) theory proposes that, because of time pressures, leaders establish a special relationship with a small group of their followers. These individuals make up the in-group.Members of the in-group are trusted, get a disproportionate amount of the leader's attention, and are more likely to receive s pecial privileges. Other followers fall into the out-group. Diff: 1Page Ref: 156 Objective: Leader-Member Exchange Theory Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 As you have observed your department manager and her interactions with the department's employees, you have come to believe in LMX theory. Sarah and Joe get less of the manager's time. Sally gets fewer of the preferred rewards that the manager controls and John has a relationship with the manager based on formal authority interactions.Rebecca is trusted. Jennifer gets a disproportionate amount of the manager's attention and is more likely to receive special privileges. 33) According to LMX theory, the in-group is likely to be composed of ________. A) Rebecca and Jennifer only B) Jennifer only C) Rebecca only D) John, Rebecca, and Jennifer only E) Sarah, Joe, Sally, and John only Answer: A Explanation: A) The LMX theory proposes that early in the history of the interaction between a leader and a given follower, the leade r implicitly categorizes the follower as an â€Å"in† or an â€Å"out,† and that relationship is relatively stable over time.Leaders induce LMX by rewarding those employees with whom they want a closer linkage and punishing those with whom they do not. Diff: 3Page Ref: 156 AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: In-Group Quest. Category: Application LO: 3 34) According to LMX theory, which of the following employees is likely to be included in the out-group? A) Rebecca only B) Jennifer only C) Sarah and Jennifer only D) Sarah and Joe only E) Sarah, Joe, Sally, and John only Answer: EExplanation: E) The LMX theory proposes that early in the history of the interaction between a leader and a given follower, the leader implicitly categorizes the follower as an â€Å"in† or an â€Å"out,† and that relationship is relatively stable over time. Leaders induce LMX by rewarding those employees with whom they want a closer linkage and punishing those with whom they do not . Diff: 3Page Ref: 156 AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Out-Group Quest. Category: Application LO: 3 35) According to the LMX theory, a leader implicitly categorizes followers as â€Å"in† or â€Å"out† ________. A) after careful performance analysisB) on a temporary basis C) early in the interaction D) because of political pressure E) only after several months of working together Answer: C Explanation: C) The LMX theory proposes that early in the history of the interaction between a leader and a given follower, the leader implicitly categorizes the follower as an â€Å"in† or an â€Å"out,† and that relationship is relatively stable over time. Diff: 2Page Ref: 156 Objective: Leader-Member Exchange Theory Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 36) According to research relating to the LMX theory of leadership, which of the following does not appear to characterize in-group members?A) demographic characteristics similar to those of the leader B) atti tudes similar to those of the leader C) personality characteristics similar to those of the leader D) gender opposite to that of the leader E) higher level of competence than out-group members Answer: D Explanation: D) Just how the leader chooses who falls into each category is unclear, but there is evidence in-group members have demographic, attitude, and personality characteristics similar to those of their leader or a higher level of competence than out-group members.Leaders and followers of the same gender tend to have closer (higher LMX) relationships than those of different genders. Diff: 2Page Ref: 156 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 37) Which of the following is true according to research testing the LMX theory of leadership? A) There is substantive evidence that leaders differentiate among followers. B) Disparities in how leaders treat different followers are largely random. C) The in-group shows no measurable difference in positive outcomes compared to the out- group. D) In-group members usually show lesser â€Å"citizenship† behavior at work.E) In-group members are no more satisfied with their leader than out-group members. Answer: A Explanation: A) Research to test LMX theory has been generally supportive, with substantive evidence that leaders do differentiate among followers; these disparities are far from random; and followers with in-group status will have higher performance ratings, engage in more helping or â€Å"citizenship† behaviors at work, and report greater satisfaction with their superior. Diff: 2Page Ref: 156 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 8) Believing that in-group members are the most competent, leaders invest their resources in them. This, in turn, leads the in-group members to show higher levels of performance at their jobs. This chain of events reflects the concept of ________. A) assumption fallacy B) reverse engineering C) self-fulfilling prophecy D) Newcomb's paradox E) predestination para dox Answer: C Explanation: C) Followers with in-group status will have higher performance ratings, engage in more helping or â€Å"citizenship† behaviors at work, and report greater satisfaction with their superior.These positive findings for in-group members reflect the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy; leaders invest their resources with those they expect to perform best—the in-group members—and thus unwittingly fulfill their prophecy. Diff: 2Page Ref: 156-157 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 3 39) Who was first researcher to consider charismatic leadership in terms of OB? A) Max Weber B) Robert House C) Fred Fiedler D) John Kotter E) Douglas Surber Answer: B Explanation: B) The first researcher to consider charismatic leadership in terms of OB was Robert House.According to House's charismatic leadership theory, followers attribute heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors. Diff: 1Page Ref: 157 Quest. Category : Concept/Definitional LO: 4 40) Which theory of leadership proposes that followers attribute heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors? A) transformational leadership theory B) authentic leadership theory C) transactional leadership theory D) attributional leadership theory E) charismatic leadership theory Answer: EExplanation: E) According to House's charismatic leadership theory, followers attribute heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors. A number of studies have attempted to identify the characteristics of charismatic leaders: they have a vision, they are willing to take personal risks to achieve that vision, they are sensitive to follower needs, and they exhibit extraordinary behaviors. Diff: 1Page Ref: 157 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 41) Which of the following is not a key characteristic of a charismatic leader?A) sensitivity to follower needs B) unconventional behavior C) vision a nd articulation D) focus on maintaining status quo E) willingness to take risks Answer: D Explanation: D) Charismatic leadership theory, developed by Robert House, is based on the idea that when followers observe certain behaviors displayed by a leader, they view that leader as having extraordinary or even heroic leadership abilities. Recent studies have sought to identify these specific behaviors. Charismatic leaders appear to possess key characteristics, ncluding sensitivity to follower needs, unconventional behavior, vision and articulation, and willingness to take risks. Diff: 2Page Ref: 157 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 42) Which of the following is true regarding whether charismatic leaders are born or made? A) Charismatic individuals are not born with traits that make them charismatic. B) Charismatic leaders are usually not achievement oriented. C) Charisma cannot be learned. D) Most experts believe individuals can be trained to exhibit charismatic behaviors. E) Personality has shown no link to charismatic leadership.Answer: D Explanation: D) Individuals are born with traits that make them charismatic. Personality is also related to charismatic leadership; charismatic leaders are likely to be extraverted, self-confident, and achievement oriented. Although a small minority thinks charisma is inherited and cannot be learned, most experts believe individuals can be trained to exhibit charismatic behaviors. Diff: 2Page Ref: 158 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 43) According to evidence, what is the first step a charismatic leader takes to influence followers?A) developing a formal vision statement B) engaging in emotion-inducing and often unconventional behavior C) setting an example for followers through actions and words D) articulating an appealing vision E) communicating high performance expectations Answer: D Explanation: D) Evidence suggests that charismatic leaders follow a four-step process to influence followers. This proce ss begins with articulating an appealing vision, a long-term strategy for attaining a goal by linking the present with a better future for the organization.Desirable visions fit the times and circumstances and reflect the uniqueness of the organization. Diff: 2Page Ref: 158 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 44) Which of the following is true about the effectiveness of charismatic leadership? A) Research shows scant correlations between charismatic leadership and high performance. B) Charisma may not always be generalizable. C) Charisma appears most successful when the environment is stress-free. D) Charismatic leaders usually surface when the organization is stable and successful.E) Charismatic leadership qualities are best utilized in lower-level management jobs. Answer: B Explanation: B) Research shows impressive correlations between charismatic leadership and high performance and satisfaction among followers. However, charisma may not always be generalizable; its effect iveness may depend on the situation. Charisma appears most successful when the follower's task has an ideological component or the environment includes a high degree of stress and uncertainty. It's more difficult to utilize a person's charismatic leadership qualities in lower-level management jobs.Diff: 2Page Ref: 159 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 45) Leaders who clarify role and task requirements to accomplish established goals exhibit a(n) _________ style of leadership. A) transformational B) transactional C) charismatic D) authentic E) situational Answer: B Explanation: B) Recent studies, including the Ohio State Studies, Fiedler's model, and path-goal theory, have focused on the differences between transformational leaders and transactional leaders. In contrast to ransformational leaders who inspire their followers to transcend their self-interests for the good of the organization, transactional leaders encourage their followers to achieve goals by defining specifi c goals and task requirements. Diff: 1Page Ref: 160 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 46) ________ leaders inspire followers to transcend their self-interests for the good of the organization and can have an extraordinary effect on their followers. A) Transformational B) Transactional C) Task oriented D) Laissez-faire E) Transcendental Answer: AExplanation: A) Transformational leaders can have an extraordinary effect on their followers, inspiring them toward selfless goals that benefit the larger organization. These types of leaders inspire their followers by paying attention to their concerns, helping them rethink old problems in new ways, and encouraging them to achieve goals as a group. Diff: 1Page Ref: 160 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 47) In terms of the full range of leadership model, which leader behavior is the least effective? A) management by exception (active) B) contingent reward C) management by exception (passive) D) individualized consideration E) laissez-faire Answer: E Explanation: E) According to the full range of leadership model, laissez-faire is the most passive and therefore least effective of leader behaviors. Management by exception—active or passive—is slightly better than laissez-faire. Diff: 1Page Ref: 160 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 48) According to the full range of leadership model, which of the following leader behaviors will enable leaders to motivate followers to perform above expectations and transcend their self-interest for the sake of the organization? A) management by exception (active) B) contingent rewardC) individualized consideration D) management by exception (passive) E) laissez-faire Answer: C Explanation: C) According to the full range of leadership model, leadership behaviors including laissez-faire, management by exception (active or passive), and contingent reward will not get employees to go above and beyond the call of duty. Only with the four styles of tran sformational leadership—individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, and idealized influence—are leaders able to motivate followers to perform above expectations and transcend their self-interest for the sake of the organization.Diff: 1Page Ref: 160 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 49) Richard is a transactional leader who has just assigned a series of tasks to a project team. Which of the following is most likely to be true about the team's performance under Richard's guidance? A) They will set new standards of productivity for the department, exceeding Richard's expectations. B) They will meet the goals set for them but are unlikely to go beyond those goals. C) They will tend to be unclear about the roles assigned to each team member.D) They will be highly motivated by what they view as Richard's heroic or extraordinary qualities. E) They will tend to put the interests of the company above individual self-interest. Answ er: B Explanation: B) Transactional leaders set goals for their employees and define roles and expectations. Unlike transformational leaders, however, transactional leaders are unlikely to motivate their employees to exceed expectations or go beyond the call of duty. Diff: 3Page Ref: 160 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 4 50) Researchers are conducting a study of a company called Acme Corp. which they believe to be led by a transformational leader. Which of the following, if true, would most support the conclusion that Acme's leader is a transformational leader? A) Acme's top managers often disagree over defining the organization's goals. B) Acme's goals tend to be very ambitious and to hold personal value for employees. C) Acme has a centralized decision-making structure. D) Acme's performance has held at average levels for the past three years. E) Acme's compensation plans are designed to reward short-term results. Answer: BExplanation: B) In companies with transformational leaders, followers are more likely to pursue ambitious goals, agree on the strategic goals of the organization, and believe the goals they are pursuing are personally important. There is greater decentralization of responsibility, managers have more propensity to take risks, and compensation plans are geared toward long-term results. All these factors result in superior organizational performance. Diff: 3Page Ref: 160 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 4 51) Two companies, Roland Media and Go! Corp, are both headed by ransformational leaders. However, Roland Media showed much greater profitability over a 5-year time period than did Go! Corp. Which of the following best explains why Roland Media performed better than Go! Corp under transformational leadership? A) Roland Media's leader goes through a complex bureaucratic structure, whereas Go! Corp's leader regularly interacts with the company's workforce to make decisions. B) Unlike Go! Corp's em ployees, Roland Media's employees don't readily give up decision-making authority. C) Roland Media is a small, privately held firm, whereas Go!Corp is a large, complex public company. D) Roland Media is headquartered in a low power distance region, whereas Go! Corp is headquartered in a country that is high in power distance. E) Roland Media's employees tend to be more highly individualistic than do Go! Corp's employees. Answer: C Explanation: C) Transformational leadership is most effective in small, privately held companies. It is less effective in complex organizations. Transformational leaders are more effective in improving group potency in teams higher in power distance and collectivism.They are less effective when leaders must deal with bureaucratic structures, when employees are highly individualistic, and when employees don't easily give up decision-making authority. Diff: 3Page Ref: 162 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 4 52) Which of the following wo uld best serve as evidence to support the conclusion that an individual is an authentic leader? A) The leader is cautious about information sharing and tends to provide updates only to top management. B) In business exchanges, the leader puts the company's bottom line before his or her ideals.C) The leader acts in the company's best interest as long as those interests don't conflict with his personal ambitions. D) The leader constantly questions his or her values. E) The leader inspires a great deal of trust in his or her followers. Answer: E Explanation: E) Authentic leaders know who they are, know what they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly. Their followers consider them ethical people. The primary quality produced by authentic leadership, therefore, is trust. Authentic leaders share information, encourage open communication, and stick to their ideals. Diff: 3Page Ref: 163 Quest.Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 53) The concept of aut hentic leadership focuses on ________. A) the moral aspects of being a leader B) the unconventional behavior of the leader C) the readiness of followers D) the situational component of leadership E) the transactional aspect of leadership Answer: A Explanation: A) Authentic leaders know who they are, know what they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly. Their followers consider them ethical people. This concept is a promising way to think about ethics and trust in leadership because it focuses on the moral aspects of being a leader.Diff: 2Page Ref: 163 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 54) The concept of socialized charismatic leadership seeks to integrate charismatic leadership with ________ leadership. A) transformational B) production-oriented C) relational D) ethical E) transactional Answer: D Explanation: D) Scholars have tried to integrate ethical and charismatic leadership by advancing the idea of socialized charismatic leaders hip—leadership that conveys other centered (not self centered) values by leaders who model ethical conduct.Socialized charismatic leaders are able to bring employee values in line with their own values through their words and actions. Diff: 1Page Ref: 163 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 55) ________ is a psychological state that exists when you agree to make yourself vulnerable to another because you have positive expectations about how things are going to turn out. A) Consideration B) Trust C) Empowerment D) Empathy E) Respect Answer: B Explanation: B) Trust is a psychological state that exists when you agree to make yourself vulnerable to another because you have positive expectations about how things are going to turn out.Even though you aren't completely in control of the situation, you are willing to take a chance that the other person will come through for you. Diff: 1Page Ref: 164 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 56) All of the following are cons equences of a relationship of trust between supervisors and employees, except that ________. A) trust facilitates information sharing B) trusting groups are more effective C) trust discourages taking risks D) trust enhances productivity E) company bottom-lines are positively influenced by trust Answer: CExplanation: C) Trust between supervisors and employees is related to a number of positive employment outcomes. Trust encourages taking risks, facilitates information sharing, and enhances productivity. Trusting groups are more effective. Diff: 2Page Ref: 165 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 4 57) Which of the following statements accurately describes the attribution theory of leadership? A) Leadership is merely an attribution people make about other individuals. B) Good leaders attribute their successes to their team or group members. C) Leadership qualities are attributions that are independent of performance.D) The achievement of group goals are rarely attributed to good leadership. E) Leadership is an attribute that individuals are born with. Answer: A Explanation: A) The attribution theory of leadership says leadership is merely an attribution people make about other individuals. Thus we attribute to leaders intelligence, outgoing personality, strong verbal skills, aggressiveness, understanding, and industriousness. At the organizational level, we tend to see leaders, rightly or wrongly, as responsible for extremely negative or extremely positive performance. Diff: 2Page Ref: 165 Quest.Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 5 58) The President of a small Asian country was hailed as a visionary and a genius when the nation's economy burgeoned during his first term in office. However, when the currency and the stock-markets crashed during his government's second term, he was censured as arrogant, elitist, and short-sighted. This scenario reflects the ________ theory of leadership. A) traits B) behavioral C) LMX D) substitutes E) attribution Answer: E Ex planation: E) The attribution theory of leadership says leadership is merely an attribution people make about other individuals.Thus we attribute to leaders intelligence, outgoing personality, strong verbal skills, aggressiveness, understanding, and industriousness. At the organizational level, we tend to see leaders, rightly or wrongly, as responsible for extremely negative or extremely positive performance. Diff: 3Page Ref: 165 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 5 59) According to research, which of the following is true about demographic assumptions that are made about leaders? A) Leaders are likely to be assumed to be white. B) White leaders are no more likely to be rated effective than leaders from other racial groups.C) Teams invariably prefer male leaders. D) Teams prefer female leaders when aggressively competing against other teams. E) Teams prefer male leaders when the competition is within teams and calls for improving positive relationships within th e group. Answer: A Explanation: A) Respondents in a study assumed a leader described with no identifying racial information was white at a rate beyond the base rate of white employees in a company. In scenarios where identical leadership situations are described but the leaders' race is manipulated, white leaders are rated as more effective than leaders of other racial groups.Diff: 2Page Ref: 166 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 5 60) Zenith Technologies has a very flat organizational system with few managers. Instead, it has a rigid system of clear, formalized goals, clear procedures, and cohesive work groups. In this case, the various components of the organizational system are acting as ________ to formal leadership by replacing the support and ability offered by leaders. A) detriments B) traits C) attributes D) substitutes E) supplements Answer: D Explanation: D) One theory of leadership suggests that in many situations leaders' actions are irrelevant.Experience and tra ining are among the substitutes that can replace the need for a leader's support or ability to create structure. Organizational characteristics such as explicit formalized goals, rigid rules and procedures, and cohesive work groups can also replace formal leadership. Diff: 3Page Ref: 166 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 5 61) Trust which is based on a mutual understanding of each other's intentions and appreciation of the other's wants and desires is referred to as ________. A) substitute trustB) identification-based trust C) attributional trust D) assumption-based trust E) socialized trust Answer: B Explanation: B) Identification-based trust, based on a mutual understanding of each other's intentions and appreciation of the other's wants and desires, is particularly difficult to achieve without face-to-face interaction. It's not yet clear whether it's even possible for employees to identify with or trust leaders with whom they communicate only electronically. Diff: 1Page Ref: 167 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 5 2) Because he has an internationally based team, Leo and the team do most of their business communications via e-mail. Which of the following represents what is least likely to be true of Leo's experience working with the team in an online environment? A) Leo relies heavily on his written skills to communicate support and inspiration. B) Team members must be particularly adept at reading emotions in others' messages C) Team members tend to have high levels of identification-based trust. D) Negotiations between team members sometimes stall due to lack of trust.E) Leo uses written communication to reinforce what he conveys to team members verbally. Answer: C Explanation: C) Online leaders confront unique challenges, particularly around developing and maintaining trust. Identification-based trust, based on a mutual understanding of each other's intentions and appreciation of the others wants and desires, is particularly difficult to achieve without face-to-face interaction. Leo's team would be least likely to experience high levels of identification-based trust. Online negotiations might also be hindered because parties express lower levels of trust.Diff: 2Page Ref: 167 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 5 63) According to the GLOBE project, which of the following is true of the leadership style preferred by Brazilian employees? A) leaders high on consideration B) leaders with a nonparticipative style C) leaders who take self-governing decisions D) leaders who act alone without engaging the group E) task oriented leaders Answer: A Explanation: A) Based on the values of Brazilian employees, leaders in Brazil would need to be team oriented, participative, and humane.Leaders high on consideration who emphasize participative decision making and have high LPC scores would be best suited to managing employees in this culture. Brazilians do not prefer leaders who take self-governing d ecisions and act alone without engaging the group. Diff: 2Page Ref: 168 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 6 64) According to the GLOBE project, which of the following is true of the leadership style preferred by employees in France? A) people-oriented leaders B) leaders with high LPC scores C) leaders with a participative decision-making styleD) leaders with high initiating structure E) relationship oriented leaders Answer: D Explanation: D) Compared to U. S. employees, the French have a more bureaucratic view of leaders and are less likely to expect them to be humane and considerate. A leader high on initiating structure (relatively task oriented) will do best and can make decisions in a relatively autocratic manner. A manager who scores high on consideration (people oriented) may find that style backfiring in France. Diff: 2Page Ref: 168 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 6 5) According to the GLOBE study on the global implications of leadership, employees in this c ountry are more likely to value team-oriented and participative leadership than U. S. employees. However, since it has a relatively high-power-distance culture, status differences between leaders and followers are expected. Therefore, the leader should ask employees for their opinions, try to minimize conflicts, but not be afraid to take charge and make the final decision (after consulting team members). Identify this country. A) China B) Brazil C) Egypt D) FranceE) Sweden Answer: C Explanation: C) Employees in Egypt are more likely to value team-oriented and participative leadership than U. S. employees. However, Egypt is also a relatively high-power-distance culture, meaning status differences between leaders and followers are expected. So, a manager must be participative yet demonstrate his or her high level of status by asking employees for their opinions, trying to minimize conflicts, and yet not being afraid to take charge and making the final decision (after consulting team m embers). Diff: 2Page Ref: 168Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 6 66) According to the GLOBE project, which of the following is true of the leadership style preferred by employees in China? A) leaders who are team-oriented and humane B) leaders with high LPC scores C) leaders who take self-governing decisions D) leaders with a moderately participative style E) leaders who act alone without engaging the group Answer: D Explanation: D) According to the GLOBE study, Chinese culture emphasizes being polite, considerate, and unselfish, but it also has a high performance orientation.These two factors suggest consideration and initiating structure may both be important. Although Chinese culture is relatively participative compared to that of the United States, there are also status differences between leaders and employees. This suggests a moderately participative style may work best. Diff: 2Page Ref: 168 Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 6 Leo supervises a global team of pr oject members based in multiple countries. Maria is Brazilian; Jean-Paul is French, Amit is Egyptian, and Xiang is Chinese. Leo is American and is based in the United States. 7) In the light on the findings of the GLOBE project, which team members can be expected to respond most favorably when Leo exhibits high levels of initiating structure? A) Jean-Paul and Xiang B) Amit and Xiang C) Maria and Jean-Paul D) Amit and Maria E) Xiang and Amit Answer: A Explanation: A) France and China are countries where individuals tend to value initiating structure. The French have a bureaucratic view of leaders and expect leaders to make decisions relatively autocratically. The Chinese have a high performance orientation that emphasizes status differences between employees.Leaders with high initiating structures therefore have better results in these countries. Diff: 3Page Ref: 168 AACSB: Analytic Skills Objective: Behavioral Theories Quest. Category: Application LO: 6 68) Which of the following te am members would be least likely to respond favorably if Leo made project-related decisions independently, without consulting the team? A) Maria B) Jean-Paul C) Amit D) Xiang E) Maria and Jean-Paul Answer: A Explanation: A) Brazilians value participatory decision-making. Maria would thus be least likely to respond favorably to autocratic decision-making onLeo's part. As one Brazilian manager remarked in a research study, â€Å"We do not prefer leaders who take self-governing decisions and act alone without engaging the group. That's part of who we are. † Diff: 3Page Ref: 168 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 6 69) The team agrees that a large component of the project will be carried out at the Chinese headquarters, with Xiang responsible for leading that support team. Based on what the GLOBE project concludes about Chinese culture, which of the following leader behaviors would be most effective?A) infrequent decision-making B) highly participatory decisi on-making C) autocratic decision-making D) decision-making without initiating structure E) moderately participatory decision-making Answer: E Explanation: E) Chinese culture emphasizes being polite, considerate, and unselfish, but it also has a high performance orientation. These two factors suggest consideration and initiating structure may both be important. Although Chinese culture is relatively participative compared to that of the United States, there are also status differences between leaders and employees.This suggests a moderately participative style may work best there. Diff: 3Page Ref: 168 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 6 70) In carrying out a transformational approach to overseeing the project, Leo strives to implement the universal elements of transformational leadership. He most likely implements all of the following except ________. A) vision B) providing encouragement C) positiveness D) proactiveness E) silent leadership Answer: E Explanation : E) The silence of a leader is very powerful in Japan, but not necessarily in other countries.Silent leadership is, therefore, not considered one of the university elements of transformational leadership. The elements are: vision, foresight, providing encouragement, trustworthiness, dynamism, positiveness, and proactiveness. Diff: 1Page Ref: 168 AACSB: Analytic Skills Quest. Category: Application LO: 6 71) The term leadership is synonymous with management. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Although often used interchangeably, the terms leadership and management have two different meanings. John Kotter of the Harvard Business School argues that management is the ability to cope with complexity.Leadership, by contrast, is defined as the ability to cope with change. Diff: 1Page Ref: 150 Objective: Management and Leadership Quest. Category: Concept/Definitional LO: 1 72) Nonsanctioned leadership is usually less important than formal influence. Answer: FALSE Explanation: Nonsanctioned leadersh ip—the ability to influence that arises outside the formal structure of the organization—is often as important or more important than formal